The rebirth of the spirit

My feet set foot on Bahia's soil almost a decade later, soil that witnessed my birth as a wife and mother. And which now bear witness to my rebirth as a spirit. The colors, flavours and beauty intoxicate my senses, the waterfall washes my soul, the sea and the sun energize my body, and power plants allow me to see the completeness of my soul, presenting me with what I still need to heal. The power of the earth, the plants, the forest, the waters and the sky connect me to mother earth, but it is the power of relationships that transforms me. It is through deep conversations, loving hugs and glances that recognize each other that I can see myself again, who I once was and who I still am after a long period of sleep. In the new steps are the old footprints, which remain. Past, present and future now coexist. Paradoxes of a fertile land with hunger. Of natural beauty being degraded. The search for more connection, and segregation. The search for a simple life without giving up l...