Inner Journey

Our life today is the result of the doors we've already opened, the answers we've already found, the traditions we've followed and the paths and choices we've taken. This is our comfort zone. But in order for life and evolution to continue, and for the new to be born, we need to leave this comfort zone, which is not only challenging, but we encounter a lot of resistance along the way. The new comes through change, through the new doors we open and the new questions we ask. Venturing into the unknown is like putting on a new shoe, which hurts until it fits, but then becomes an extension of our feet. And so, between intuition, memories, dreams, fears and resistance, my journey to Chapada dos Veadeiros began. The soul won out, planting faith in my heart that I had to be there and confidence that everything would be perfect, whatever it was. With many questions bubbling up inside me, I got on the plane, hardly knowing what awaited me. Between hikes and baths, meditations ...